Wednesday, August 6, 2014

8:33 AM

ini mungkin review paling cepat yang pernah saya tulis. serius, saya baru hanson tadi sore lho :v

aslinya rilis bulan oktober tahun lalu, idk why tiba2 di delay ampe tahun ini... mungkin di delay buat improve gamenya? err no, kyknya sih biar pas season 2nya tayang, biar hype gitu.

chief, our game is already complete, but it's--
it's what?
it's kinda shitty, to be honest
well the boss won't care, those so-called fans won't care, and more importantly, I don't care
just release it as it is!
but...but our boss say to wait for the 2nd season, next year
well, fuck, here goes my paycheck
what should we do then, chief, should we improve the game so that it's actually bearable?
no, it's IMPOSSIBLE to make anything like this better, so...
let's just catch some lolis!

coba rilisnya jadi taun lalu bneran, vividred pasti kalah ga jadi KOTY. this year that crown goes to this shit.

review famitsu skornya dapet 18/40, jujur saya sempet terguncang, wew, jelek amat. dan setelah main, saya TIDAK SETUJU dengan skor yang dikasi famitsu. imo harusnya.. jauuuh jauuuuh LEBIH RENDAH dari itu :v

oke, ini gim fanserpiks kan, target utamanya emang buat fans kartun/komiknya.
>le me started the game
>dev and pub stuffs logos
>main menu
what the fuck, there's no OP. I mean, what the fuuuuckkkkk. paling ga kasi opening kopas dari season 1 aja ga masalah. I like that song. but no, kadokawa thinks we don't need that. well. fuck you too.

oke, ga sehat ah masalahin opening doang, masuk ke gamenya aja dah.
bad grafix, bad gameplay, story seadanya. yup, story sendiri ngambil dari season 1, intinya kita maen di 7 hari ngumpulin class cards, persis kyk season 1. bacot seperti biasa, terus gelut2 gajes sekitar 1 menitan. total ga sampe 1 jam selese. SERIUS. saya maen habis magriban, terus belom isya' udah tamat. what the---
kyknya lebih lamaan saya nulis review ini daripada maenin gamenya. beneran deh.

battlenya jelek, padahal ekpektasi saya minimal paling gak kayak madoka vita. magic pake element cards, yg bisa dikumpulin dg berbagai macem cara. habis tamat sekali, bisa milih pake miyu, rin, luvia. that's great! yes! but the story is the same fucking shit. and they play exactly the same. lolwut.
but hey, we can play adhoc! yay! upto 4 players!
errr, tapi emangnya ada yang bisa diajak maen?

3d modelnya... dafuq jelek amat. ds quality. scratch that, it's worse than that. WOwww. this game never ceases to surprise me, in a bad way :v
7 hari, 8 map-ish (yg wtf lagi, mirip2 juga), ewww. paling gak, gimnya jelek, tapi bgmnya bagus kan? kan? NGGAKKKKKKK ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ngarep versi instrumental dari op/ed jadi bgm, huheuheuehuehe, we got random bgms instead. udah gitu jelek2, ga memorable blas, coba lu liat trailernya deh, bgm jelek diputer ulang2. ya kira2 gitu juga deh di gimnya. mending main di mute aja.

(-)bad grafix
(-)bad gameplay
(-)bad bgm
(-)no op
(-)bad story
(-)did I mention bad grafix yet?
(-)bad everything

(+)tamatnya cepet, jadi bisa cepat2 dibuang dan moveon ke gim laen

kalo dibanding ama ini, vividred jadi kayak masterpiece. srsly. paling gak vividred lasts ~2 hours. not to mention this shit is like, priced twice than vividred. :v

0,1/10 super duper mega giga ultra hissatsu megamix madao kusoge of the year

gim ini benar2 bikin terguncang, dalam berbagai artian. tobattttt.
salut buat kadokawa, tolong bikin surprise lagi dengan bikin SEKUEL gim ini, please.


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